Audible Engine Alarm feature (VCMTUNER II)


This feature on the VCMTUNER II is disabled by default.  Please read this page in it's entirety. 

Note: Standard overtemp protection is always enabled (e.g. 212F ECT1 temp or higher) will restore the real ECT temp.  This will restore the OEM configuration without doing anything to the unit during install.

The audible engine alarm requires the key in the ignition on without the car running.

This is really only necessary on the older models (e.g. pre 2011).

Most of the 2011 and newer will alarm you if the coolant hits 240F with a 'coolant hot' message on the screen. Some owners get confused with this because the temp gauge will go all the way hot until the car is pulled over and the key is turned off, a p0118 code will also be thrown in this condition.

By default, if the vehicle exceeds 212F the factory operation will be re-enabled and the temp gauge will show the real temperature above 212F without using this audible engine alarm feature.

You don't need to disconnect the negative battery cable.

Basically you need to extend the green wire with a spade terminal and touch and hold the wire to ground for 2 seconds, then release.

That is one count. Do this 10x. The accessory switch must be on in the car and the dash lights must be enabled so the ECU on the vehicle sends 5v to our unit.

When the process is complete a p0118 code and check engine light will be thrown.

That will clear out after two drive cycles.

You can power cycle the VCMTUNER II unit once completed and you get the p0118 by pulling the fuse and re-installing it on the 12v connection.